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Common Internet Slang on Rednote
- in Chinese: 永远的神
- in English: Always the best
- use case: say someone is the best, or the most amazing.
2. WC
- in Chinese: 卧槽
- in English: WTF
- use case: express surprise or shock
3. TMD
- in Chinese: 卧槽
- in English: WTF
- use case: express frustration or anger
4. 3Q
- in Chinese: 谢谢
- in English: Thank you
- use case: express gratitude in a cute way
5. 666
- in Chinese: 非常酷
- in English: Very cool
- use case: praise something impressive or awesome
6. NB
- in Chinese: 太棒了
- in English: Frigging Awesome
- use case: express strong admiration
- in Chinese: 今日服装
- in English: Outfit Of The Day
- use case: sharing your daily fashion choices
8. 🍠
- in Chinese: 小红书
- in English: RedNote (Xiaohongshu)
- use case: referring to the RedNote platform
- in Chinese: 哈哈哈
- in English: LOL (laughing out loud)
- use case: express laughter or amusement
10. i人/e人
- in Chinese: 内向人/外向人
- in English: introvert/extrovert
- use case: describing personality types
11. U1S1
- in Chinese: 说实话
- in English: TBH (to be honest)
- use case: when being frank or honest about something
12. DDDD
- in Chinese: 懂的都懂
- in English: If you know, you know
- use case: referring to something that only insiders would understand
13. CPDD
- in Chinese: 交个朋友/想和你深入交往
- in English: Let’s get to know each other better
- use case: A euphemistic way to express romantic or intimate interest, often used in dating contexts or when someone is trying to initiate a closer relationship
14. 八字
- in Chinese: 中国命理传统玄学
- in English: Chinese traditional astrology,not means
Eight Characters
- use case: Used when discussing fortune-telling, compatibility in relationships, or life predictions based on one’s birth time and date in traditional Chinese astrology